Tracking currency manipulation: Has your representative signed onto HR 1276?

The Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act, formally known as HR 1276, was introduced to the 113th Congress by U.S. Representatives Sandy Levin (D-MI), Tim Murphy (R-PA), Tim Ryan (D-OH), and Mo Brooks (R-AL). The bill would force action on China’s currency manipulation practices under U.S. trade law.

Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) President Scott Paul said,

The Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act is a common-sense bill and should be passed and signed into law. Congress has acted on China’s currency in 2005, 2010, and 2011.  I hope 2013 is the year that the stars align and both the House and Senate finally pass it.

To date, Rep. Sandy Levin has 155 co-sponsors signed onto the bill.

Has your representative signed on? Check out the information below for your congressperson by clicking on the pin from your state to receive details (Republicans are red, Democrats blue). If not, take action.


View HR 1276 Tracking in a larger map.

NORTHEAST: Connecticut: Rep. Joe Courtney, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, Rep. Jim Himes, Rep. Elizabeth Esty; Delaware: Rep. John Carney, Jr.; Massachusetts: Rep. Jim McGovern, Rep. Niki Tsongas, Rep. Edward Markey, Rep. Stephen Lynch, Rep. Joe Kennedy, Rep. John Tierney; Maine: Rep. Michael Michaud; New Hampshire: Rep. CarolShea-Porter, Rep. Ann Kuster; New Jersey: Rep. Albio Sires, Rep. Bill Pascrell, Rep. Donald Payne, Rep. Rush Holt; New York: Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rep. Charles Rangel, Rep. Paul Tonko, Rep. Bill Owens, Rep. Dan Maffei, Rep. Louise Slaughter, Rep. Brian Higgins, Rep. Michael Grimm, Rep. Chris Gibson, Rep. Chris Collins, Rep. Steve Israel, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy; Pennsylvania: Rep. Robert Brady, Rep. Allyson Schwartz, Rep. Mike Doyle, Rep. Glenn Thompson, Rep. Jim Gerlach, Rep. Patrick Meehan, Rep. Michael Fitzpatrick, Rep. Tom Marino, Rep. Lou Barletta, Rep. Charlie Dent, Rep. Tim Murphy, Rep. Matt Cartwright; Rep. Joseph R. Pitts; Rhode Island: Rep. David Cicilline, Rep. Jim Langevin; Vermont: Rep. Peter Welch

SOUTH: Alabama: Rep. Martha Roby, Rep. Robert Aderholt, Rep. Mo Brooks; Arkansas: Rep. Rick Crawford; District of Columbia: Rep. Eleanor Norton; Florida: Rep. Rich Nugent, Rep. Corrine Brown, Rep. Alcee Hastings; Georgia: Rep. Hank Johnson, Rep. John Lewis; Kentucky: Rep. John Yarmuth, Rep. Harold Rogers; Maryland: Rep. John Sarbanes, Rep. Donna Edwards, Rep. Elijah Cummings, Rep. Chris Van Hollen, Rep. John Delaney, Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger; Mississippi: Rep. Gregg Harper; North Carolina: Rep. David Price, Rep. Walter Jones, Rep. Howard Coble, Rep. Patrick McHenry, Rep. Mark Meadows, Rep. Mike McIntyre, Rep. G.K. Butterfield, Rep. Robert Pittenger; Tennessee: Rep. Jim Cooper, Rep. Steve Cohen, Rep. John Duncan; Texas: Rep. Gene Green, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, Rep. Marc Veasey, Rep. Ruben Hinojosa; Virginia:  Rep. Robert Scott, Rep. Gerald Connolly, Rep. Rob Wittman, Rep. Scott Rigell, Rep. J. Randy Forbes, Rep. Morgan Griffith, Rep. Frank Wolf, Rep. James Moran; West Virginia: Rep. Nick Rahall, Rep. David McKinley, Rep. Shelley Capito

MIDWEST: Iowa: Rep. Bruce Braley, Rep. Dave Loebsack; Illinois: Rep. Daniel Lipinski, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Rep. Mike Quigley, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Bill Foster, Rep. Bill Enyart, Rep. Cheri Bustos, Rep. Tammy Duckworth, Rep. Robin Kelly, Rep. Bradley Schneider; Indiana: Rep. Peter Visclosky, Rep. Andre Carson; Michigan: Rep. Sander Levin, Rep. John Dingell, Rep. John Conyers, Rep. Gary Peters, Rep. Mike Rogers, Rep. Candice Miller, Rep. Daniel Kildee; Minnesota: Rep. Tim Walz, Rep. Betty McCollum, Rep. Keith Ellison, Rep. Collin Peterson, Rep. Rick Nolan; Nebraska: Rep. Jeff Fortenberry; Ohio: Rep. Marcy Kaptur, Rep. Marcia Fudge, Rep. Tim Ryan, Rep. Bill Johnson, Rep. Michael Turner, Rep. David Joyce, Rep. Joyce Beatty; Missouri: Rep. Emanuel Cleaver; Wisconsin: Rep. Mark Pocan, Rep. Gwen Moore, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner

WEST: Alaska: Rep. Don Young; Arizona: Rep. Raul Grijalva; California: Rep. Mike Thompson, Rep. George Miller, Rep. Julia Brownley, Rep. Grace Napolitano, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, Rep. Loretta Sanchez, Rep. Lois Capps, Rep. Sam Farr, Rep. John Garamendi, Rep. Linda Sanchez, Rep. Jerry McNerney, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Eric Swalwell, Rep. Brad Sherman; Colorado: Rep. Ed Perlmutter, Rep. Mike Coffman; Hawaii: Rep. Colleen Hanabusa; Idaho: Rep. Michael Simpson; Nevada: Rep. Dina Titus, Rep. Rep. Steven Horsford; New Mexico: Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham; Oregon: Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Rep. Peter DeFazio, Rep. Kurt Schrader; Utah: Rep. Rob Bishop; Washington: Rep. Jim McDermott

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