To Celebrate Labor Day, AAM Examines the Faces of Steel

The first in a two-part of podcast interview.

They say Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer. Maybe so; if it is, I hope you got a barbecue in this weekend and saw the season off right.

It’s important, though, not to forget what brought us this holiday in the first place: The efforts of the working men and women of America. This is Labor Day, where the country takes a moment to honor hard work.

That’s the idea behind this week’s episode of the Alliance for American Manufacturing’s podcast, the Manufacturing Report. Each week, AAM President takes a look (via interviews and analyses) at the public policy influencing the U.S. manufacturing sector. This time around? The guest is AAM researcher Jeff Bonior, who (in Paul’s words) “has probably spoken with more steelworkers than any other person in America in the last couple of years.”

Bonior shares some of the stories he’s collected in this first half of a two-part series:

There’s more, though: Bonior has done yeoman’s work putting together AAM’s Faces of Steel profiles, which examines the lives behind the American steel industry. Got your own story to share? Submit it right here.

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